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Contact Lens Types and Care

November 11, 2022

Your doctor will prescribe contact lenses according to your visual and medical needs. Here are all the different types of contact lenses your doctor can prescribe to you.

  • Soft Contact Lenses
  • Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses
  • Hybrid Contact Lenses
  • Specialty Contacts
    • Monovision contacts
    • Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)
    • Multifocal Contacts
    • Scleral Contact Lenses
    • Colored Contacts

Soft Contact Lenses

The soft contact lenses are some of the most flexible lenses due to the material. They mold as per the shape of your eyes and are the first choice of 90% contacts wearing people. These lenses are made of materials that has the unique ability to mix with the water inside your eye. The best part about soft lenses is that they retain moisture and keep the pathways open for oxygen to get through to your eye. This makes these lenses one of the most comfortable options from all the choices available.

You can get lenses of all types of durations. You can get weekly and even monthly and bi-monthly disposable lenses. Soft lenses also come in durations of daily and yearly usage. If you wish to get the daily or weekly lenses then you may have to pay more as compared to other options because these lenses are highly fragile. However, they are very comfortable to wear. On the other hand, if you go for the ones with a longer duration then you need to be very specific about the cleaning routine. You can use the VueSonic One Soft and Hybrid Contact Lens Cleaning Device and it can efficiently clean the lens for you.

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

Just as the name suggests, RGP are known as hard contact lens. They do not bend easily, however, their structure is designed in a way that lets oxygen pass through. This is essential for your eyes to be able to breathe easily.

The benefit of these lenses is that they do not let any irritating deposits stay in the eye. Because of their rigid structure these lenses also allow for a better vision. The only catch is that you may not be too comfortable in them right off the bat. It will take some time getting used to.

Moreover, because RGP lenses lasts up to 2 years or even longer, it is very important to keep the lenses clean and the VueSonic Advance 2 Rigid Contact Lens Cleaning Device can help you expertly clean the lenses and remove 90% of the protein and lipid deposit.

Hybrid Contact Lenses

If you are looking for the best of both worlds, then you can go for Hybrid Contact lenses. These are rigid from the center of the lens and then are surrounded by material used to make soft lenses. This is a unique construction and that helps with better vision and added comfort.

With the right care, your hybrid contact lens can last you a long time (about 6 months). To clean the lenses, you can use the VueSonic One Soft and Hybrid Contact Lens Cleaning Device and ensure the safety of your eyes as well as your lens.

Specialty Contacts

Many people have additional visual needs and to cater to those needs you can get a specialty contact, here are some options for you.

Monovision contacts

Monovision contacts are a set of two, these lenses help with distance vision and presbyopia. In one eye you get the correctional lens that helps with near vision and in the other eye you get one that corrects distance vision. The brain learns to adapt to the different lenses and you can look through any of them whenever you need.

However, make sure to clean it properly. It is best to use VueSonic One.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)

These lenses are designed for a treatment where you wear rigid gas permeable contacts overnight in your sleep. The purpose of these lenses is to reshape the cornea to reduce the effects of myopia. If you do not wear the lens regularly you may not get the benefits you are hoping for, your vision may not be corrected throughout the day. This is why, you must clean them and wear them regularly. You can use the VueSonic Advance 2 to clean them properly.

Multifocal Contacts

With Multifocal contacts you can make use multiple zones in the same lens and correct your vision for the different distances. These are specially prescribed to people who need to wear progressive glasses for their presbyopia and have different prescriptions. To clean it you can use the VueSonic One.

Scleral Contact Lenses

These types of rigid gas permeable contact extend over the sclera also known as the white part of your eye. These lenses are commonly only prescribed to the people who have vision issues stemming from corneal abnormalities.

These lenses can be hard to clean and you may need the help of a device. The VueSonic Advance 2 is a great choice, but you need to make sure that the diameter of your Scleral contact lenses should be under 15mm as the device is not compatible with any sizes bigger than that.

Colored Contacts

If you’re looking to enhance the color of your eyes you can use these lenses and get both subtle or bold color choices that will also help you fix your vision. You can also use the VueSonic Oneto clean it.

Make sure you get the prescription for whatever contacts you are wearing.