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How to choose the right Contact Lens Solution?

November 10, 2022

Have you been thinking about what contact lens solution is the best option for you? The right solution will help you take good care of your lenses and ensure that your eyesight is safe.

Here are three solutions you can opt for.

  • Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution (MPS)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide-Based (HPB) Solutions, and
  • Basic Saline

Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution (MPS)

The multipurpose contact lens solution cleans, rinses, disinfects, and stores contact lenses effectively. Thus, you don’t need any other lens care product. It is like a one-stop solution and makes it easier for you to keep up with your lens care. Better yet, the multipurpose contact lens solution is highly compatible with the VueSonic contact lens cleaning devices and gives you the utmost care for your contact lenses.

Recommendation: Opti-free. BIoTrue. Renu are the most recommended options.

Hydrogen Peroxide-Based (HPB) Solutions

If you want to get Hydrogen peroxide-based solutions, then you can go for the ones offered by ClearCare. They are very effective to disinfect contact lenses. They are preservative free and are the best choice for all those who are allergic to preservatives. This solution does demand better care as you need to follow your care regimen with a neutralizer tablet or store the lenses in a standing case that comes with a neutralizer built in. This prevents the Hydrogen peroxide to directly contact your eyes to prevent any burning. 

We do not recommend putting HPB into VueSonic Devices. VueSonic Devices should be used with a compatible solution as a separate process before or after cleaning the lens with HPB.

Basic Saline

Saline can be used to rinse contacts before putting them in your eyes. The saline is more natural, like tears, and can help prevent reactions to chemicals found in other contact solutions. Saline is also compatible with the VueSonic Devices, but they are not the best option, such as the Multipurpose Contact Lens Solution.

The relationship between contact lens solutions and lens cleaning devices is very straightforward. It is the combination of the right solution and the cleaning device that provides the best results. It is very similar to the idea of washing your hands. The proper technique will physically eliminate dirt and most microbes, and the right soap completes the job by doing just that. This is why it is essential to use the proper cleaning solution.